
Business Laws And Ethics (BLE) (Paper-5) CMA Inter Group 1



1. Introduction to Law and Legal System in India - 5%
  • Introduction to the Constitution of India 
  • Fundamental Rights 
  • Sources of Law 
  • Primary and Subordinate Legislations 
  • Legislative Process in India 
  • Legal Methods including Judicial Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Process in India 
  • Legal Terminology and Maxims
2. Indian Contracts Act, 1872 - 10%
  • Essential Elements of a Contract, Offer, and Acceptance 
  • Void and Voidable Agreements 
  • Consideration 
  • Legality of Object 
  • E-contracts - Essential Requirements for Enforceability 
  • Constraints to Enforce Contractual Obligations 
  • Quasi-contracts, Contingent Contracts, Termination or Discharge of Contracts 
  • Assignment of Contractual Rights and Obligations 
  • Representations and Warranties 
  • Impossibility and Force Majeure 
  • Termination by Novation 
  • Tender Procedure of Government Contract 
  • Special Contracts - Indemnity and Guarantee; Bailment and Pledge; Laws of Agency
3. Sale of Goods Act, 1930 - 5%
  • Essential Conditions of a Contract of Sale 
  • Transfer of Ownership 3.3 Conditions and Warranties 
  • Performance of the Contract of Sale 
  • Rights of Unpaid Seller 
  • Auction Sales 
4. Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 - 5%
  • Definition and Features of Negotiable Instrument 
  • Crossing, Endorsement, and Material Alteration 
  • Acceptance, Assignment, and Negotiation 
  • Rights and Liabilities of Parties 
  • Dishonor of a Negotiable Instrument (with Special Emphasis on Section 138) 
5. Indian Partnership Act, 1932 - 2.5%
  • Nature of Partnership 
  • Rights and Liabilities of Partners 
  • Formation, Reconstitution, and Dissolution of Firms 
6. Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 - 2.5%
  • Concept, Formation, Membership, Functioning 
  • Dissolution


7. Factories Act, 1948 - 2.5%
8. Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 - 2.5%
9. Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 - 2.5%
10. Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 - 2.5%
11. The Code on Wages, 2019 - 5%


12. Companies Act, 2013 - 40%
  • Company Types, Promotion, Formation, and Related Procedures (Sec 1 to Sec 122 of Companies Act, 2013) 
  • Director - Role, Responsibilities, Qualification, Disqualification, Appointment, Retirement, Resignation, Removal, Remuneration and Powers, Directors Identification Number 
  • Operational and Financial Control 
  • Internal Financial Control for Financial Reporting (Section 134, 143, and 177) 
  • Rights of Shareholders 
  • Key Managerial Personnel


13. Business Ethics and Emotional Intelligence - 15%
  • Ethics – Meaning, Importance, and Nature 
  • The “Seven Principles of Public Life” – Selflessness, Integrity, Objectivity, Accountability, Openness, Honesty, and Leadership 
  • The Relationship between Ethics and Law 
  • Business Ethics and its Relevance to Business 
  • Values and Attitudes of Professional Accountants 
  • Primary Norms of Business Ethics - Honesty, Accountability, etc., the Application in Decisions regarding Employers, Finance, and Trading 
  • Internal Code of Ethics 
  • Ethics in Business Dealings 
  • Case Study on Business Ethics 
  • Emotional Intelligence (Concept and Importance)