
CMA Final Group 4

CMA Final Group 4 Course consists of 4 papers which are to be attempted either independently or together with Group 3 (also consisting of 4 papers) depending on a student’s preference or preparation. CMA Final group 4 exams are held twice in a year, once in the month of June and once in December.


Who is Eligible for CMA Final Group 4 Course

A student is eligible to appear in CMA Final group 4 exam only after fulfilling the following conditions:

  1. Successful completion of CMA intermediate course (both groups)
  2. Successful completion of Oral/Postal coaching
  3. Successful completion of 15 months Practical Training
  4. Successful Submission of Exam Application Form on or before Exam specified due dates.


When and How to Apply?

Registration for the CMA final course is open throughout the year However, Students desirous to appear for June Term Examination should apply before 31st January of that year and for December Term Examination, students should apply before 31st July of that year. To apply for CMA final course, visit icmai’s official website and fill out the admission form.


Registration and Fee

To register for CMA final group 4 course, a student can visit icmai’s official website and fill out the admission form and pay a fee of Rs.25000 (for both groups). The fee can be paid in two instalments:

  1. Rs.15000 – 1st instalment and Rs.10000 – 2nd instalment
  2. Payable on or before 31st January of that year for June examination and for 31st July for December examination.


CMA Final Group 4 Subjects and Syllabus

CMA final group 4 syllabus consists of 4 subjects/papers namely Corporate Financial Reporting, Indirect Tax Laws and Practice, Cost and Management Audit and Strategic Performance Management and Business Valuation. CMA final group 4 subjects and topics to be covered along with their respective weightage in final examination are mentioned below.


CMA Final Group 4 Subjects:

  1. Paper 17 : Corporate Financial Reporting (CFR)
    • GAAP and Accounting Standards 20%
    • Accounting of Business Combinations & Restructuring (Ind AS)20%
    • Consolidated Financial Statements (Ind AS) 20%
    • Developments in Financial Reporting 25%
    • Government Accounting in India 15%
  2. Paper 18 : Indirect Tax Laws and Practice (ITP)
    • Advanced Indirect Tax & Practice 80%
    • Tax Practice and Procedures 20%
  3. Paper 19 : Cost and Management Audit (CMAD)
    • Cost Audit 35%
    • Management Audit 15%
    • Internal Audit, Operational Audit and other related issues 25%
    • Case Study on Performance Analysis 25%
  4. Paper 20 : Strategic Performance Management and Business Valuation (SPBV)
    • Strategic Performance Management 50%
    • Business Valuation 50%


Learning Objectives

Correct understanding of a question is the first step in delivering the right answer. In our courses you will learn how to tackle every question correctly and according to the exam pattern and objective of the question. The question paper will comprise of knowledge, comprehension, application and analysis based sections. Following is an explanation on how to formulate your answers on that basis.

Learning objectives Verbs used Definition
What you are expected to know
List Make a list of
State Express. fully or dearly. The details/facts or
Define Give the exact meaning of
What you are expected to understand
Describe Communicate the key features or
Distinguish Highlight the differences between
Explain Make clear or Intelligible/ state the meaning or purpose of
Identify Recognize, establish, or select after consideration
Illustrate Use an example to describe or explain something
How you are expected to apply your knowledge
Apply Put to practical use
Calculate Ascertain or reckon mathematically
Demonstrate Prow with certainty or exhibit by practical means
Prepare Make or get ready for use
Reconcile Make or prove consistent/ compatible
Solve Find an answer to
Tabulate Arrange in a table
How you are expected to analyse the details of what you have learned
Analyse Examine in details the structure of
Categories Place into a defined class or division
Compart and contrast Show the similarities and/ or differences between
Construct Build up or compile
Discuss Examine in details by argument
Interpret Translate into intelligible or familiar terms
Prioritise Place in order of priority or sequence for action
Produce Create or bring into existence

Practical Training during CMA Final Course

A student appearing for CMA final exam, is required to complete 15 months of practical training adhering to the guidelines provided by The institute of cost accountants of India (icmai) on their website. Practical Training is to be done in a cost accounting firm or any other recognized organization in areas mentioned in the practical training scheme provided by icmai. A student is required to complete 10 months of his practical training 4 months before the month in which he is giving his final examination and 15 months of training before the declaration of his CMA final result.


Passing Criteria

To pass CMA final exam, a candidate is required to obtain a minimum of 40% in all individual papers and an aggregate of 50% in total. If a candidate who failed to fulfill the criteria and is declared failed in any group, but has obtained 60% or more in any one paper or more, will be exempted to appear in that particular paper or papers in subsequent examination and after passing, the marks for each of the exempted papers will be reckoned as 50.


After Completing CMA Final group 4

A student who has successfully cleared all 4 papers of CMA final group 4 in adherence to the passing criteria mentioned above, can appear in Group 3 in the forthcoming attempt and if he has already cleared CMA final Group 3 as well, He is entitled to be addressed as Qualified Cost Accountant. 



For more information about CMA Final group 4 or CMA Final group 4 subjects, you can contact us on our toll-free number 18003091245 and talk to our experts for free. You can also mail us at [email protected]. Visit our Youtube Channel or Telegram for regular updates and information on CMA video lectures and online classes.